acorn and oak shelly


Seasoned interior designer and expert thinker on supportive mindful living, Shelly brings over 20 years of experience to the interior design community. She continues to contribute to the national conversation on psychological, adaptive design and its impact on human health and well-being. She has built her career in design on the premise of “living well”, an ideology that for Shelly, goes far beyond creating beautiful spaces.

 “Interior design can upgrade safety, boost mood, improve relationships and increase the value of our largest investment, our home or business, and how we think, feel and behave within the space.”

-Shelly Rosenberg

Shelly has mastered the multifaceted approach required for achieving supportive mindful living and believes a beautiful and function environment should be available to all, regardless of the unique needs various individuals may require. Although her designs are always stunning, her priority is less on creating physical beauty, and more on helping others improve their overall quality of life. She does this by composing supportive and adaptive environments that help foster mental, emotional, and physical well-being, as well as environments that accelerate growth, awareness and human progress.

As a mother of three children, each with learning differences and special needs, her ability to identify and honor everyone’s unique design requirements has grown exponentially. Shelly has dedicated her profession to creating and designing adaptive spaces catered towards the differently abled and has a keen ability to listen to their needs first and design accordingly.

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